California Retail Law Summit

Get ahead of the most pressing issues impacting retailers operating in California.

California Retail Law Summit

Save the date: October 26 - 28, 2025 | Meritage Resort and Spa, Napa Valley

Leading Legal Summit for Retailers

This leading legal summit exclusively for retailers is an unparalleled event convening retail in-house counsel for expert-led discussions and seven credit hours of CLE-eligible sessions designed to help retailers navigate the complexities of California’s ever-evolving legal landscape.

California’s top retail law experts will share insights and tactics on how to get ahead of the most pressing issues impacting retailers operating in California, including the hottest litigation threats, regulatory compliance requirements and legislative developments.

Previous sessions included

  • Blast from the past — old laws, new risks 

  • Is California being dethroned as the reigning venue for consumer class actions? 

  • Weigh-in on wage & hour: What retailers need to know about recent California Supreme Court decisions 

  • How can retailers ensure benefits and reduce risks from reformed PAGA rules? 

  • The evolving PFAS landscape: legislation, regulation, litigation and California’s influence 

  • Greener and Cleaner:  When good deeds can get you in trouble 

  • Evolution of California privacy law: Recent regulatory and legislative trends impacting retailers 

  • Retailers and California OSHA: Prevention and protections 

Interested in sponsoring next year's California Retail Law Summit?

Please contact Ceara Flake for more information.