Small Business

Small business

Small Business

The overwhelming majority of retailers are small businesses, with more than 98 percent of all retail companies employing fewer than 50 people. Read the latest news to see how small retailers contribute to their communities and the economy and browse resources for small businesses.

Take Action
Get involved and take a stand with your industry on issues that matter most to you. Discover online tools and learn how you can make a difference.
NRF Virtual Store Tours
This program connects members of Congress with retailers. Hosting lawmakers on store tours is the best way to share the real story of the retail industry and build relationships with leaders who make decisions that directly impact retailers.
America’s Retail Champions

Now accepting applications!

NRF is searching for passionate small retailers to join us in Washington, D.C., and share their stories with influential policymakers at the Retail Advocates Summit.


America's Retail Champions
Two hands holding and swiping phone with computer in background
More resources for small businesses

Retail on Main Street SmartBrief

A subscription-only weekly digital news publication bringing retail entrepreneurs important insights and news stories to help them run their businesses, including connecting with customers, managing money, monitoring industry trends and spurring growth.

Get involved

Small Business Retail Council

The SBRC represents and is responsive to the needs and interests of local shops and provides NRF’s small business members a forum to discuss the most pressing public policy priorities.

a small business owner smiles into the camera while serving at a farmers market

Latest small business stories

Homefield's approach to building a loyal fanbase
Retail Gets Real episode 362: Co-founder and CEO Connor Hitchcock on how he took his side project to retail success.
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NRF Honors Distinguished Association Leader
NRF presented the 2024 J. Thomas Weyant Award to Cailey Locklair, Maryland Retailers Alliance president.
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NRF Honors Champions and Heroes of Main Street
The National Retail Federation announced the recipients of the 2024 “Champion of Main Street” and “Hero of Main Street”
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