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| Trade
NRF urged Congress to take action after its annual August recess to approve the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which would modernize trade between the three countries and replace the landmark North American Free Trade Agreement.
| Digital Retail
NRF and the Retail Litigation Center asked the Supreme Court to take a case that could establish a reasonable, nationwide standard for evaluating website accessibility claims filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
| Economy, Retail Sales
Retail sales were up 0.6 percent in June seasonally adjusted from May and up 2.3 percent unadjusted year-over-year, NRF said.
| Back to School, Holidays & Seasonal
As students gear up to go back to school and college, families plan to spend more than ever on supplies ranging from pencils and backpacks to computers and dorm refrigerators, according to the annual survey by NRF and Prosper Insights & Analytics.
| Trade, Port Tracker, Supply Chain, Forecasts
Imports at the nation’s major retail container ports will remain at high levels this summer but are expected to grow only modestly compared with last year’s rush to bring merchandise into the country ahead of scheduled tariff increases, according to NRF's Global Port Tracker report.
| Leadership
NRF will name Kohl’s CEO Michelle Gass as “The Visionary,” an award given each year to an outstanding leader in the retail industry. The award will be presented during the sixth annual NRF Foundation Honors on January 12, 2020, in New York City.
| Trade, Supply Chain
NRF hopes progress made during talks between President Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit in Japan will lead to the end of the two countries’ trade war.
| Consumer View, Consumer Trends
Consumers are embracing the use of retail technology to improve their shopping experience, according to the latest issue of the Consumer View report released by the National Retail Federation.
| Trade, Supply Chain
NRF welcomed legislation that would strengthen congressional authority over tariff increases like those imposed by the Trump administration during the past year.
The National Retail Federation urged the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to avoid 25 percent tariffs on $300 billion in Chinese goods and released a new study examining key product categories and the negative impact on American consumers.