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| Data Security
The National Retail Federation and EuroCommerce today announced an agreement to work together in developing a common approach on implementing new EU data protection regulations.
| Economy, Workforce
Retail industry employment saw a modest decline in September, decreasing 4,600 jobs from revised August figures, the National Retail Federation said today. The number excludes automobile dealers, gasoline stations and restaurants.
| Economy
NRF urged the House to approve the fiscal year 2018 budget resolution, a move that would allow Congress to begin work on the nation's first comprehensive tax reform in three decades.
| Economy, Forecasts, Holiday Forecast
The National Retail Federation expectssales inNovember and December, excluding autos, gas and restaurant sales, toincrease between 3.6 and 4 percent
| Startups & Transformation, Startups, Technology, Digital Retail
DynamicAction, a data analysis company company based in Silicon Valley, was named Digital Commerce Startup of the Year at NRF’sl conference in Los Angeles.
| Consumer Trends, Millenials
NRF launched Consumer View, a new quarterly report designed to gauge consumer behavior and shopping trends.
| Economy
NRF says the tax reform proposal released by the Trump administration and congressional leadership is "a very positive step forward."
| Economy, Workforce
NRF told the Labor Department that the Obama Administration set the threshold for exemption from overtime too high, and that any new level adopted by the Trump administration should be lower.
| Workforce, Talent Development, Career Development
NRF says Target's decision to increase its minimum hourly wage to $11 next month and $15 by the end of 2020 reflects the tightening labor market, competition for talent and the need to retain a skilled workforce.
| Consumer Trends, Holidays & Seasonal, Halloween
Consumers are expected to spend an average $86.13,according to the annual survey released by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics.