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| Economy
The National Retail Federation today called on the House to repeal the Affordable Care Act, saying lawmakers should take advantage of a “real opportunity” rather than continue to debate details of the bill and risk failing to obtain sufficient votes a second time.
| Economy
NRF called on the House Financial Services Committee to reject efforts to repeal debit card swipe fee reform as it considers approval of the Financial Choice Act.
| Economy, Small Business
NRF welcomed renewed efforts in Congress to require online sellers to collect sales tax the same as local stores, noting mounting pressure from states for Washington to act.
| Economy, Workforce
The National Retail Federation welcomed today’s confirmation of Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor and said his leadership would bring back balance to the agency.
| Economy, Workforce
The National Council of Chain Restaurants called on the Senate to confirm nominee Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor.
| Economy
NRF and retailers from across the country went to Capitol Hill as Congress held a hearing on legislation that would repeal debit card swipe fee reform, saying reform has saved merchants and consumers more than $40 billion and should be protected.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation welcomed the proposal on comprehensive tax reform released by President Trump.
| Consumer Trends, Holidays & Seasonal, Mother's Day
With 85 percent of consumers surveyed celebrating the holiday, total spending is expected to reach $23.6 billion. That’s the highest number in the survey’s 14-year history, topping last year’s previous record of $21.4 billion.
| Economy, Retail Sales
Retail sales in March increased 0.3 percent seasonally adjusted over February and 3.5 percent unadjusted year-over-year, according to calculations released today by the National Retail Federation. The numbers exclude automobiles, gasoline stations and restaurants.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation tomorrow will launch the next phase of a television and digital ad campaign against House Republicans’ proposed border adjustment tax, building on the success of satirical “As Seen on TV” ads that described the BAT as an “everything tax” for American consumers.