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| Economy, Supply Chain, Trade, Port Tracker
Imports should continue to see strong increases throughout the spring and summer as the nation's economy improves, according to NRF's monthly Global Port Tracker report.
| Economy, Workforce
Retail industry employment decreased by 30,300 jobs in March from February.
| Economy, Workforce
NRF welcomed committee approval of Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor and said quick confirmation by the full Senate would help bring back balance at an agency where "ideological whims" have blocked job creation.
| Economy
NRF welcomed a Supreme Court ruling that First Amendment free speech rights should be considered when determining how merchants show consumers credit card swipe fees that drive up the price of merchandise by billions of dollars a year.
| Economy
NRF welcomed the Supreme Court's refusal to reinstate a class action lawsuit settlement that would have blocked merchants from challenging Visa and MasterCard's price-fixing of credit card swipe fees that increase prices paid by consumers.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation today said it was disappointed that the House failed to vote on Obamacare repeal-and-replace legislation, saying the measure would take significant steps toward making health care more affordable.
| Consumer Trends, Holidays & Seasonal, Easter
According to NRF’s annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, spending for Easter is expected to reach $18.4 billion, a new all-time high in the survey’s 14-year history.

| Economy, Workforce
NRF is urging the Senate to confirm Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor, saying he would help end "ideological whims" that guided labor policy under the Obama administration.
| Economy
NRF is urging the House to pass association health plan legislation, saying it would help small businesses compete with larger companies in providing employee health insurance at affordable rates.
| Loss Prevention
The two associations will combine their existing risk and safety signature events into one cross-industry gathering starting in 2018.